Evolution X

Evolution X is a flashable Custom ROM to bring a true Pixel feel to your Android Device at first glance, with many additional configurations at your disposal. We aim to provide frequent builds with monthly security patches from the latest aosp sources.


Android Version: 13

Evolution X Version: 7.9.10

Build Version: v2

GApps are pre installed

Last update: 25 January 2024

Security Patch: 5. December 2024

Maintainer: @Beetle84


No Changelog


Remove liboemcrypto.so - fixes streaming apps not playing video


@Beetle84 says:

"All thanks go to @electimon for the device related trees, Moto-Common FTW 😜"


This is voluntary.

The download is free of charge. 

Evolution X 7.9.10 v1 test results (without battery)



• No HDR (not even in stock)

• DRM L1


• safetynet is passed

--- Play Integrity API Checker

------ Meets_Device_Intigrity: true

------ Meets_Basic_Intigrity: true

------ Meets_Strong_Intigrity: false


• Fast Charge (Turbo Charge) works but I don't know how fast it really is. But it is displayed as fast.


• The Motorola gestures are available and work great. The settings are under Settings -> System -> Gestures -> Moto gestures


• Geekbench 6.2.2:

--- CPU:

------ Single Core: 908

------ Multi Core: 2075

--- GPU:

------ Open CL: 1366

------ Vulcan: 1208


• Camera:

It's wired. It works but not perfectly.

I have already passed it on to the developers.
